Meet Your Team
Moises Arteaga
Warehouse Manager
Moises Arteaga has over 22 years of warehouse industry experience and he brings a wealth of valuable knowledge to ATC’s clients especially in terms of integrating ecommerce systems. Moises’ determination, compassion for his work and cool personality are a key part of his success in navigating complex logistics needs with demanding deadlines. After hours, Moises can be found spending quality time with his family and enjoying the simple pleasures such as a cookout, walks on the beach, or a nature hike. Moises also enjoys collecting vinyl records and band posters!
Grace Allison
Grace Allison excels in her job as bookkeeper due to her impeccable attention to detail, keen sense of timing and her empathetic personality. Grace has a wealth of experience in retail sales and operations. When she is not managing ATC’s accounts and financial needs, she can be found whipping up sweet treats in the kitchen for her family. She spends her free time coaxing her teenagers out of their bedrooms for quality family time and she fuels her day with her favorite foods, yogurt and granola!
Angelica Cobos
Customer Service Lead
Angelica Cobos has been in the warehousing business for 11 years. Angelica's enthusiasm to resolve problems shines in her position as ATC’s lead Customer Service Representative. Her patience, leadership and experience in the industry allow Angelica to navigate sophisticated retailer requirements and EDI communication with understanding and ease. She is also willing to assist her team whenever possible. Away from the warehouse, Angelica spends her free time exploring new things with her kids. Her favorite color is pink, which is reflective of her positive personality!
Miriam Arreola
Customer Service Representative
Miriam Arreola is happiest when she is helping clients. She is always looking out for the client’s best interest and takes fully to heart all concerns. As ATC’s unofficial “MC”, Miriam helps to manage a lot of ATC’s social events such as bowling outings, birthday celebrations and wellness programs. Outside of ATC, Miriam has a passion for family festivities and delicious spicy flavors. Miriam also enjoys expressing her creative side through Mexican embroidery, two-needle knitting, gardening. Miriam has a delightful, overall zest for life!
Lorena Ojeda
Inventory Specialist
Lorena Ojeda has a bachelor's degree in business and has been in the logistics business for over 10 years. Through first-hand experience, Lorena has an incredible command of ATC’s warehouse management system. She also loves Excel. Outside of her role as Inventory Specialist, Lorena enjoys exploring her creative side, the outdoors and she especially enjoys traveling to new places with her gorgeous family!

Warehouse Supervisor Superhero

Warehouse Superhero

Shipping Superhero

Special Projects Superhero

Customer Comments
“I don’t know how you folks do it, but your stuff gets here (Asheville, NC) from California faster than things from neighboring states. Our recent order got here this afternoon – thank you!”
- US Amazon Consumer
"I would just like to thank you and all the team at ATC for your diligence with releasing our time sensitive orders for us at the end of last week. It is so greatly appreciated ? We appreciate that you are always willing to help in our times of need."
- Allison, Paperwings Austrailia Pty Ltd
“I really can’t rave enough about your warehouse!!! I’m so impressed and happy so far. Our (ATC) Customer Service Rep is so professional and the system works out so smoothly! Thanks so much!”
- Hilda, Siaomimi, Hong Kong